Hi! I'm Ian!

IAN Ian is my middle name. My first name is Satoshi and I'm Japanese.
My Birthday I was born in Michigan, 1993, July 6th.
From USA To China When I was 3, our family went to China and went to Japan and came back and went again and still going on.
BASEBALL I like to do baseball. My mother has a team named "FOYU"(Not like a real team) Lot of people is there. The team has a lot of people so they play in 2 teams. Some times I will need to play. (Always 2nd base) One day, The team played with a team named "The Mariners". (Not that Mariners) FOYU won by 1 to10. (The game was just 5 innings)
SCHOOL My school is I.S.B. (International School of Beijing). I will be 4th grade. I was student council when I was 3rd grade
IN BEIJING I have a lot of friends so I could play with them. (Duh (^0^)กห
PLEASE CONTACT ME My E-mail address is iansatoshi@hotmail.com


